Favorite Products

Having had dogs all my life, I had a good understanding of what products are necessary to keep a dog happy and healthy.  After two years of research, we were ready. We had our game faces on, puppy supplies purchased, and were ready to kick puppy-hood's butt... Or so we thought. I felt it necessary to include this "products" section into the blog because I wanted to showcase things we like and also how to use them and things that didn't quite work for us. Please forgive my wrinkly backdrop, I got lazy with the iron. Enjoy!

I'll start with the most important product of all, what you feed your puppy! I have never been one of those gluten/grain-free organic-only health nuts, but when it came to Alvin, the amazing benefits of Fromm Family food has changed my mind. Our breeder feeds Fromm to all of her dogs and swears by it. The one pictured is the "Large Breed Puppy" formula. He had been on the regular puppy formula (it's a pink bag) but now that he's 12 weeks, its crucial for him to have a size-specific formula for those growing bones, so we have been gradually mixing the two together in order to not shock his system with a sudden food change. I always fed my dogs generic big-named dog foods that were cost-effective and readily available, because dog food is dog food. false. Crappy food can create big vet bills. Alvin also has no smell because of the food quality. (we have friends that have sensitive noses and even they are surprised) He only poops about twice a day and his coat is super shiny. You can read the specifics on Fromm Family's products here. The downside is that it's not available everywhere. We order the largest bags for 51$ here (Chewy has free shipping over 75$ so we buy a few at a time).

Alvin gets a NuVet vitamin everyday. His breeder swears by it and so do we. Get it here.

The training treats we use are Happy Hips Salmon Jerky. All natural and easy to tear into small training size treats. You can get them in most grocery stores. We keep the resealable bag and mix some of his kibble into it so it absorbs the smell. The smaller bag fits perfectly into my training pouch (pictured farther down). Heads up, they smell really fishy, but thats what makes them such a high-value treat. We also supplement his diet with green tripe (WARNING: smells like the inside of a cow's rectum) just follow the bag instructions for feeding. We use a freeze-dried variety by K9 Natural get it here. We also use the other treats pictures which can be bought at your local pet store.
**UPDATE: Happy Hips is made in China NOT California as the label suggests AND is being recalled (RECALL INFO HERE), I got some new treats and posted them below**

Voila! Some new natural 'Made in 'Merica' treats that Alvin loves and that don't smell like a dirty fish market.
Photo by Value Pet Supplies

These Fromm treats have great ingredients, but are really hard for puppies to chew. Alvin can finally eat them at 12 weeks.

Comparing a canvas toy to a toy made for monster chewers. He has had the dragon longer than the fox. dragon sold at Petsmart. The bottom picture are two new toys that he really likes. The red this is super tough and has an empty water bottle in it it is sold at Petsmart. The fox and the yellow thing are sold at Target.

Bath time! Nope this isn't the wrong picture. We use floor soap to bathe our puppy. Dilute a tablespoon in a pint of water (we use an old gatorade bottle) and give your pup a good rub down (avoid the eyes). 97% Natural ingredients, doesn't dry out his skin and it smells AMAZING :) Try not to bathe them too frequently though. Sold at most stores.

This is to show the kibble/jerky mix we use out of the training pouch. This bag fits in there perfectly and it is resealable.

This is the best thing ever! GET IT HERE! Holds my phone and cards, and of course treats and poopie bags. Bringing back the fanny pack :-P It came with a free clicker but we use the one pictured from Petsmart because it has a louder click. I use this every day on every walk.

A long lead will be your best friend during recall training, I made this one myself for under 20$. Tutorial here.

Alvin's cute little training vest. This helps people understand that they have to ask to pet him. I have to add this because many people don't know: It is illegal and immoral to pass a therapy or emotional support animal off as a service dog. Only service dogs have the right to go everywhere. If you choose to have your dog wear a vest make sure it doesn't not say "service" on it. We bought the "Therapy and I'm friendly" patches separately, but I recommend them so there is no confusion. In order to train where dogs aren't normally allowed, you must call first as ask if it okay. Most people say yes, but do not just show up with your dog at a store and get upset when they don't let you in. They have the right to refuse your dog. This a cheap little vest we got on Ebay, we will get a nicer one when he stops growing.

Recommended books :) Available on Amazon

Pin brush for that thick under-coat (the fur in the brush belongs to the cat) Got this one at the grocery store, just don't press down too hard when brushing.

I'm sure I will be adding more later!!


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